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  1. First time I read about Palo Pinto Mountains State Park and the small town of Strawn. While the town looks cute I would be more interested in the Palo Pinto Park. I googled it and it looks very pretty. Good hiking too!

    1. Unfortunately, the Palo Pinto Mountain State Park is not open yet. Hikers (including me) have waited years for it to open. Hopefully they will open it this fall.

  2. I’ve never heard of Strawn – what a cute little town! Sounds like an interesting spot to explore — thanks for the suggestions!

  3. It is too bad that Palo Pinto Mountains State Park was not open when you visited. But great that you found lots to see and do in Strawn. I am sure the Historical Museum was great to learn more about the town. And fun to visit the train depot even if it has been moved from the train tracks. We would try to arrive hungry so we could try Mary’s Chicken Fried Steak!

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