Visiting Abraham Lincoln in DC after Christmas. (Two Worlds Treasures)

A Trip to Washington DC During Christmas Break: 6 Days Itinerary

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Thinking about a trip to Washington DC during Christmas Break but no itinerary yet? You are at the right place as I am going to share my itinerary with you when we visited DC during Christmas vacation.

Washington DC has so many things to offer to its visitors. From places of interest and history to outdoor and enjoying the food. First time visitors will be overwhelmed in making itinerary.

Then you might ask, “How many days do I need to spend in Washington DC?” It all depends on what kind of attractions you want to see.

Next, are you going alone? With friends, family? Are you taking your dog to DC?

You will find out that two or three days, or even a week will probably not enough, because there are so many places you want to visit. So, what to do?

I was in your shoes. I wanted to see this and that, but I was visiting with my family. So, I had to make an itinerary that fit my husband and our son also, who was a first grader at the time.

After searching around, I finally came with this itinerary. A six days itinerary that you can follow bit by bit, or adjust to your like. But first…

Why visiting Washington DC during Christmas Break?

Once again, the dentist waiting room gave me an idea for a vacation trip. This time I read a short info in a parenting magazine about visiting Washington DC at the end and beginning of year, between Christmas and the first week after New Year.

It is said that end of year to the beginning of year is the only time of the year when the city is not crowded, when all the Congress and Senate people went home to celebrate the holiday with their family. Also, it’s when not too many tourists think about visiting the capital because of the weather. That way hotels are cheaper and Metro is not crowded. Moreover, the Smithsonian museums are still open except on the 25th of December.

Added with a promo price from Southwest Airlines flying from Dallas to DC, my family and I had a memorable Christmas Break in DC at the end of year.

Visiting Washington DC During Christmas Break – Day 1 (10 places)

After returning our rental car (we went to Pittsburgh first to celebrate Christmas with family) and checked-in to the hotel, we took a Metro to the National Mall & Memorial Parks area. It was already in the afternoon and we didn’t want to waste our time in the capital. This was not a slow travel. There are so much to see in DC.

Here are the spots we got to visit or see on our first day in the capital, in order, from afternoon to evening:

#1 Washington Monument

#2 World War II Memorial

#3 Reflecting Pool

#4 Lincoln Memorial

#5 Vietnam Veterans Memorial

#6 White House

#7 Lafayette Park (across the White House)

#8 National Christmas Tree

#9 Boy Scout Memorial

#10 National Museum of American History

Note: We stayed in Arlington, Virginia and took a Metro from Crystal City Station. We got out at Smithsonian Station and started our walk from there. Also, we stopped at each places to read the information, to talk about what we saw with our son, and took pictures. So, we didn’t only stop for a few minutes, took pictures, and left. The National Mall & Memorial Parks is a National Park, so our son got to do the Junior Ranger program. All of these places are located in a big loop.


Washington DC – Day 2 (2 places)

It’s the last day of the year. We left early to visit one of the Smithsonian museums that easily became my son and husband’s favorite.

#11 National Air and Space Museum

Believe it or not, we spent the whole day here, from they open until they closed. My astronaut wannabe son and my husband found their home here. I couldn’t blame them. This museum is awesome!

When you go, try to arrive early in the morning. National Air and Space Museum is very popular, you want to beat the crowd when enjoying this museum.

#12 China Town for our New Year’s Eve Dinner

Note: If you are not like us, you can add other Smithsonian Museums in your itinerary. National Museum of the American Indian and Hirshhorn Museum (acclaimed contemporary art showcases) are next door.

Washington, D.C. during Christmas Break-Chinatown


Visiting Washington DC After Christmas – Day 3 (6 places)

On the first day of the new year, we woke up early so we could get tickets to climb the Washington Monument. Sounds crazy, but we’re not even the first on the line. Apparently cold weather didn’t stop people to enjoy Washington, D.C.

#13 Climbed the Washington Monument (with escalator)

From here we made a loop to the south mall and continued to west before we went back to the hotel. Here are the places we visited:

#14 Thomas Jefferson Memorial

#15 Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial

When you come to DC with your dog, you must take a picture of your dog with the famous Fala, a statue of FDR beloved dog.

#16 Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial

#17 DC War Memorial

#18 Korean War Veterans Memorial

Note: We could get tickets to Washington Monument online but we weren’t sure on what day we would visited. If you want to get the tickets in advance, make sure you will arrive on your preferred time because they will voided your ticket if you don’t show up at the right time. And don’t forget to join the tour guide when visiting Korean War Veterans Memorial for a deeper information. I would say it’s my favorite war memorial in town.


Visiting Washington DC After Christmas – Day 4 (1 place)

Today we ventured out from the Mall area. We went to Chantilly in Virginia (near Dulles Airport) to see another museum that was also under Smithsonian that made my son and husband mouth-watering.

#19 Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center

Note: From where we stayed near Reagan Airport, we took a combination of Metro and bus to get here. It’s quite long but worth the ride. Then my aunt came to pick up us from the center and we spent the rest of the night with her and her daughter.


Christmas Vacation in DC – Day 5 (3 places)

#20 Smithsonian Zoo

#21 Union Station

#22 National Museum of Natural History

Note: Too band the pandas were in the cage that day. But I would say although the zoo is not that big, it’s a pretty good one. We had lunch at the Union Station because my niece told me about the best sandwich she had here during her school field trip, but we’re not sure which one. Haha.. At the museum, our son had fun exploring and learning in the lower ground. This is became his third favorite Smithsonian museum.


Christmas Vacation in DC – Day 6 (6 places)

Our last day in DC and we didn’t leave until evening. So, we still had time to enjoy the capital. I only put US Capitol in my itinerary, then we walked following our legs took us. Here are places we visited on our last day:

#23 US Capitol

Since the decision to visit DC came in early December, we didn’t have enough time to contact the local Representative to tour the Capitol. We did it on our second visit in DC. You can’t just walk in, you must make a reservation online in advance.

#24 Ulysses S. Grant Memorial

#25 American Art Museum National & Portrait Gallery

We didn’t stay long at this museum as my son and husband are not into art.

#26 Ford’s Theater National Historic Site

I wasn’t sure we would have time to visit Ford’s Theater, and we did. A couple of years later we visited President Lincoln Presidential Museum in Springfield, Illinois and they have this theater replica in their exhibition. A cool museum that you must visit when in the area.

#27 Petersen House (house where Lincoln died)

The house is located right across the street.

#28 FBI Building


By the time we had to leave for the airport, we knew that we will be back. Lots of places that we didn’t get to visit, like the Arlington Cemetery, Iwo Jima Memorial, Mt. Vernon, Holocaust Museum, National Cathedral, and more. Not to mention the eating places around town and just strolling admiring the old buildings in the capital.

I didn’t put the Arlington Cemetery, Mt. Vernon, and Holocaust Museum in our itinerary because our son was still too young to understand those places. Other because we ran out of time.

Like I mentioned above, even a week stay won’t be enough to explore Washington, D.C. You just have to make more visits.

Tips for visiting Washington DC during Christmas Break

  • Tour the Mall involves lots of walking; wear your most comfortable shoes.
  • It’s winter, so dress properly because you’re going to stay outside for hours.
  • Don’t forget to carry snacks and drinks.
  • Make sure your cell phone and camera are fully charge and have plenty of room in the memory card.
  • It’s easier and faster to take a Metro around the city rather than driving your own or rental car.
  • Hotels around the Mall are more expensive and mostly don’t come with breakfast and airport pick up. You better find one outside the city but close to the Metro station, and offers breakfast and airport pick up (if you fly.) We stayed in a hotel in Arlington, Virginia.

Have you ever visited Washington DC during Christmas Break? What do you think? Tell me your opinion by leaving a comment below.

Thinking about visiting Washington, D.C.? Why not doing it over Christmas Break? It's not too crowded, accommodation is cheaper, and you can see a lot. Find out more by clicking and reading this post about our family visit there one Christmas Break. As always, don't forget to pin this image for your future reference. Thank you!
Planning a trip to Washington, D.C. this coming Christmas Break? I got you cover here on what to do and see over the holiday around D.C. One of our memorable Christmas vacation in the capitol. Save this image for later. #washingtondc #christmasbreakindc #familyvacation #smithsonians
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  1. I did not know Washington DC had so many things to do. I visited the city for a few days and I saw only a few touristy things. I wish I had known about National Museum of the American Indian and Hirshhorn Museum. I would have definitely gone. But I remember visiting one or two of the museums there. This is a really good guide, I will follow it the next time I am there.

    1. There are so many things to see and do in DC. Even after a couple of visits, we still haven’t visited half of them.

    1. We really had a great time! I’ve never thought about visiting DC before and I was wonder why people visiting DC. Now I understand why.

  2. I’ve only ever visited DC in summer, but it would be interesting to visit around the holidays! I’ve heard the winters are fairly mild, especially compared to New York and Boston. One of the things I love about Washington DC is that there’s so much to do both indoors and outdoors with all the museums, so it’s very easy to choose an activity based on the weather.

    1. I’ve never been to NY or Boston, but you are right, DC in December is not as cold as those two cities. I heard summer is humid and crowded, so I will think twice to visit DC at this season.

  3. Wow such a comprehensive list of things to do in Washington DC! Sorry to say that I always thought it was a bit boring city to explore but I have been proved so wrong. Thanks for sharing 🙂

    1. I never thought about visiting DC, but I proved myself wrong. And if you like museums, and it’s really a must visit.

  4. DC would be a fun road trip over Christmas. We visited a few years back when we were in NYC but we only had a day. We’ve been wanting to go back and spend a little longer there next time. It’s also a good time to go because it’s not like you need it to be warm for the sights and there’s lots of indoor museums too.

  5. Love this…you gave me a great memory. My family is from Northern Virginia, so for most years, we went up from New Orleans to that area for Christmas. Of course time was spent with family but my mom would often pile us in the Metro or our old VW van and we would roll over into DC to see all the Christmas Decorations and especially the National Christmas Tree! We loved seeing the Smithsonian Museums too especially the Air and Space. I had no idea that there was a Boy Scout Memorial. That would be cool to see too. I think hopefully we can get back next Christmas and maybe tour around again.

  6. I have a student in Washington DC who told me about many of the places you mentioned and she also said that entrance to the museums is free with some exceptions. Didn’t know that the zoo had pandas. However, they’re normally quite lazy, aren’t they?

    1. The pandas are the most attracting animal in the zoo, I think. If it snows in D.C., there must be TV station airing pandas playing in the snow. Every year.

  7. Looks like a pretty jam-packed trip! How awesome that you were able to visit so many important sites. I’ve only been to Washington, D.C. once before for a school trip. It never ceases to amaze me how much history there is in such a condensed location!

    1. Yeah! We’re not the type of family who would spend sometime at the hotel unless it’s a resort. Left in the morning, came back in the evening. Still, there are so much historic places that we haven’t get a chance to visit. I guess that’s why D.C. is (or one of) the most visit in the U.S.

    1. So funny! Because when we were there, we wondered whether people who live in D.C. and surrounding area been to the places we visited. I said probably only during school field trip.

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