
Our First Day Hikes at Cleburne State Park, Texas – Hike #1

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Just a few weeks before end of year, Texas State Parks through their social media channels encouraged people to do the first day hikes at one of their parks. What a good idea to start the new year with an outdoor activity! So, I planned to join others to do first day hikes at the nearest state park. But, with so many things happened over the holiday and my mother and sister were here with us, I sort of forgot about it.

When it got closer to end of year, the temperature in North Texas was dropping. The weatherman said it’s going to be 37/38 the highest on January 1st with wind chill in the upper 20s. On January 2nd there would be rain mix with ice and January 3rd didn’t sound good, too! I thought again about the first day hikes. To postpone it to next year crossed my mind, but I didn’t like being trapped in the house for days.

Come January 1st I asked my sister and niece to join me, but they preferred to snuggle in the house. My son didn’t have a choice, so he had to come with me. My husband who had sinus problem the past few days finally decided to join us, and we took along Snoopy, our dog. So, we went as a family. Yay!

First Day Hikes at Cleburne State Park

We decided to do the first day hikes at Cleburne State Park, the nearest state park from where we live. When we got to the park, we were surprised to see 10 cars ahead of us. What? In the cold like this when the temperature only reach 38 and wind chill on 27??

By the time we got to the head quarters, we were even more surprised. The ranger told us there were around 200 people inside the park, hiking with the rangers, doing the first day hikes. Wow! A good sign for the park to begin 2019, I said to myself.

Our family didn’t do the park’s program because we decided to go the last-minute. We just did the hike ourselves. I wanted to see the spillway when it full with water, so we knew where to go. We’ve been to Cleburne State Park several times before. We even came for supper, eating by the creek while enjoying our sandwiches.

Lucky enough, we found a space at the parking lot after the restroom. That’s also the starting point of Spillway Trail. After crossing the street, we hiked under the trees that felt wet and damp. When we got to the crossing, the water was high and flowing quiet fast. We’re not sure Snoopy would walk in the water like that. Besides, I didn’t think I can jump to the other end without falling into the cold water.

So, we turned to the other direction and checked the trail map by a small parking lot nearby. There’s another trail that goes along the spillway where we didn’t have to cross the water. Not long after we started, a large group of people came from the other direction. The first day hikes group. Families from babies to grandparents were all there. We had to stop to make room for them, and we met our son’s 2nd grade teacher whose already retired but now teaching at a private school. Another surprise!

Once we got to the spillway, the trees were gone and we hiked in the clearance along one side of the lake. Here we could feel the wind blowing to our face. It’s soo cold! Even Snoopy didn’t smile or wag his tail when we hiked passed other hikers. It’s also over here where we met another group of first day hikers.

We didn’t hike long that day. Probably around 1.5 miles. At the corner of the lake we turned back to the car. It’s too cold for us, even for Snoopy. But it was a good time to start the new year. Later we talked about the hike to one young man at the Boy Scout. He thought we did the First Day Hikes at the Texas State Park. He said it’s hard to get in because it’s full everywhere he checked. Then another friend talking about 52 weeks 52 hikes challenge. I challenged myself and my son to do it. So, this is our #1 hike. Follow along as we do our #2, #3, all the way to #52 hike! It will be hard come summertime in Texas, but there’s a chance we will do it in a more cooler states during that season. Until next time!

When Texas State Park encouraged people to do First Day Hikes on the first day of the year, we decided to do it - by ourselves without joining the park's program - even though it was cold and windy. To our surprised, there were a lot of people doing the first day hikes, from babies to grandparents. Read along for more hiking adventure in Cleburne State Park, Texas.

It's cold and windy on the first day of the year, but we did our First Day Hikes anyway at Cleburne State Park in Texas. We weren't the only people that day. There were around 200 people joined the rangers doing their First Day Hikes while we did it ourselves. Read along for more details.

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    1. Yeah. Sometimes we got that cold. Today we were even colder than New York. I think the crazy in me took over the weather. lol.

  1. That hike looks (and sounds) freezing– kuddos to you guys for getting out in that weather! I don’t know much about hiking in Texas, but so far I’ve read about two hikes and both of them actually sounded really cold– coming from Ohio, I’d have thought it’d be super hot!

    1. I didn’t expect the first day of the year would be cold since I wanted to hike. But, when you had to go I think you had to do it. And yes, we got cold during winter, but not as cold as in Ohio. Only for a few days then went back up again for a week, then went down again for a few days. It’s mostly like that.

  2. Congrats for starting the year on a high. I like hiking but can only do that when I’m travelling because you don’t get many hiking spots in London! Hiking with a dog might be even more fun as it pushes you to go even further! Would love to read about your other adventures!

    1. Ah, yeah… big city problem. But then you have reasons to travel. We do enjoy hiking with our dog as much as he enjoys it. My other adventures are coming! Just watch for it!

  3. Wow, it’s awesome that so many people showed up to the parks program despite the freezing temperatures! Winter hiking can be super fun once you know how to dress in layers — but it is so hard to get motivated. Good luck with your 52-hikes goal!

    1. Thank you, Carrie! I’m still learning how to dress in layers since I don’t like wearing layers. I wish they find a thin material that somehow can produce heat when you move in the winter.

  4. Here in Canada we always imagine that Texas will be warm and sunny – I would never have thought it would be as cold as that! Well done on braving those temperatures for an adventurous day out! (And you’ll be more than ready when you come and hike in Banff!)

    1. I will hike in Banff, but in summertime for sure. Although I know it will also be cold early in the morning or late in the afternoon.

  5. This looks awesome. What a great place for a hike! I have never been to Texas so on the bucket list! Your dog is so adorable I love that he comes along on these adventures! Thanks for sharing 🙂

    1. Our dog thinks he has to go every time we’re getting ready to go somewhere. 🙂 So, yes, he got to join our adventures. Most of the outdoor, at least.

  6. What a lovely family! It is nice that the four of you went together to this new year challenge: quality family time, outdoor activity, beautiful views. Great to see that you guys had a great time!

  7. That is a great idea to take the first day of the year and do something outside! I didn’t realize the temperatures get so cold in Texas! Hiking seems like it would keep you warm though!

  8. What a great challenge for the year. Congratulations on completing hike #1 even though the weather was a bit cold and even better that your family including Snoopy could join as well. I really enjoy hiking too and find that I need to really motivate myself when the weather is cold.

    1. Thank you, Kevin! It will be harder in Texas come summertime! I will need something to motivate me that season.

  9. Looks like you had a great time hiking! I love spending time in the outdoors with my family. We usually end up hiking in the spring and summer, but we do enjoy winter hikes from time to time.

  10. Colorado also encourages First Day hikes, but the weather doesn’t always cooperate here. Looks like fun — and kudos to you/

  11. What a great way to start the year! I love hiking but didn’t heard much about any hiking trails in Texas. This sure seems like an amazing one. I love the idea of 52 hikes 52 weeks challenge! Keep it up and I hope you complete this goal

    1. Thank you, Daniel! I realized people don’t heard much about this part of the U.S. I will have to blog more about Texas!

  12. You took your dog on the first day hike! that’s so cute and amazing. Snoopy seems to be a very obedient child. I thoroughly enjoyed reading about your hiking experience. Can’t imagine hiking in those temperatures.

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed reading it, Sinjana! Yeah, Snoopy so far obediently followed us when hiking. He seems to enjoy his time in nature, just like us.

  13. A great way to start the new year but not for everyone I must say . Its tough to motivate yourself to do a hike on the 01 after new years eve night but with the natural beauty of the park must say would give it a shot. Must say surprised at the number of people who attempted it and seems over expected. The views are amazing and I wish I would do it on the next new years day. Thanks for sharing

    1. Thanks, Amar! Recently the state parks saw a jump in visitors numbers. We saw it ourselves on the first day. I hope it will stay like that though.

  14. That’s a really great activity to do, and for the first day of the year too. I don’t live near anywhere like this place sadly, as a new year hike sounds great for working off all the excess of the holidays! Nice to see that Snoopy joined the hike too!

    1. I would say I’m lucky to live near places where I can hike within an hour or two. One of the outdoor activities that I enjoy.

  15. What a great way to start the year! Looks like you were well bundled. I have a race coming up in a fewweeks, hope its not that cold, I just checked 25 degrees out here!

  16. Now this is how one should start the new year. By being in the midst of Mother Nature and doing what one enjoys. I feel that if you start the year doing something you enjoy, you end up doing a lot of things that you enjoy throughout the year.

    1. What a positive vibe you sent my way! Thank you, Arnav! Right now I’m on my 3rd #52weeks52hikes challenge. Looking forward until end of year.

  17. What a fantastic way to start the nee year! And how great that you live in a place where it isn’t too cold to enjoy the outdoors, even in the winter. I love the pack on your dog! What a great little hiking buddy.

    1. Yeah. I like that winter at our place isn’t always freezing! Sometimes it went up to 50s or even 70s. Our dog loves his pack. Whenever we took it out, he knew instantly that we’re going to take him for a walk. 🙂

  18. What a great way to start the New Year. I love the idea of 52 hikes 52 weeks challenge. A great way to keep fit and also to enjoy the countryside. Snoopy is lucky to have you guys he will have an exciting year accompanying you all.

    1. Thank you, Jane! I’m up to my #3 hike this week. Hopefully the weather will stay nice on Thursday/Friday like they said in TV. We’re also lucky to have Snoopy in our lives. He adds love to our lives. 🙂

  19. Hiking is the best. I’ve never done it though in the US, only in Europe. I’d love to see a map where this place is located, that would complete the post!

  20. Great to know you guys had a good time. I love hiking and I have known that Texas has some really cool places for that, and this seems surely one of them. Snoopy must have had a great time as well. It was fun checking the pictures of Snoopy hiking with you’all.

    1. Thank you! Yes, Snoopy always had a good time when hiking or spending time with us. But what he likes most is riding in a car!

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