Island Hopping Flores Day 2 - Giant Sandbox - the edge - Two Worlds Treasures

Island Hopping in Flores, Indonesia – Day 2

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After 6 months of waiting, we finally did the island hopping in Flores, Indonesia. We went there last June and rent a pinisi – a traditional Indonesian sailing boat – for 3 days and 2 nights, together with my sister’s family and her friend’s family. There were total of 11 people in the group plus our tour operator. It was the first time for all of us and we were so excited.


Location: Labuan Bajo, Flores, Indonesia.

Visited: June 24-26, 2017.

Our Accommodation: a pinisi (traditional Indonesian sailing boat) called Kajoma IV.

Our Activities: Island hopping, trekking, snorkeling.

Tour Operator: Wil Jo (62-8111262222)

Our Stories:


What a beautiful morning to start our activities for today! It’s quiet, sunny, and apparently, the boat anchored not too far from a village. That’s the village where a Singaporean tourist almost lost his leg back in May. He’d been warned by the locals not to take pictures of a Komodo dragon eating an animal but he didn’t listen. When busy taking pictures, another dragon came from a different direction and bit his leg. That’s what the boat crew told my husband. Lesson learned: always listen to your guide or the local people.

Island Hopping Flores Day 2 - Komodo Village - Two Worlds Treasures
Komodo Village at Komodo Island

After breakfast, we changed to swimsuits for our first snorkeling on this trip. But first, the dive master informed us everything about snorkeling that we needed to know. Fortunately, he could speak English so I didn’t have to translate everything to my husband and son. Then we hopped on to the dinghy that took us to the famous Pink Beach. From the name, you can tell that the sand on the beach is pink. It’s the outcome of the red corals that live in the water.


Island Hopping Day 2 – Snorkeling at Pink Beach

When we got to the beach, there were other tourists already. Not too many though, as Flores is still far from crowd like Bali. But it’s going that direction since the Indonesian government is promoting Flores to the world now. So, you better visit Flores as soon as your next vacation time arrive.

The underwater world in Pink Beach was amazing. Colorful and all shapes of coral and fish were awaiting us. But we had to swim a bit farther from the beach towards the coral area to see all these beauties. With around 6 to 10 ft. deep, everything looked clear and sharp. How I wished to have my own fins and gill so I could swim and play with the fish down there.

Half an hour later, when I followed others to the beach, our tour operator touched my foot and signed me to follow him. Apparently, someone saw a squid. Wow! From above it looked like a brown rectangular box, but this is how it looked like from the bottom.

Island Hopping Flores Day 2 - Pink Beach - squid - Two Worlds Treasures
Photo courtesy: Wil Jo.

Then we spent some time on the beach; let the water scattered the pink sand on our feet. Felt like we wanted to stay there longer but we had to continue to the next destination for our second snorkeling time.

Island Hopping Flores Day 2 - Pink Beach - Two Worlds Treasures
My niece and nephew at Pink Beach, Flores.


Island Hopping Day 2 – Snorkeling at Manta Point (Makasser Reef)

Yes, we’re going to see Manta Rays next. “They live in the deep-sea, swim against the current, and there’s a possibility we won’t see them,” explained the dive master. What?

Manta Point located in Makasser Reef with depth around 16-50 feet. The current was strong, so the dive master briefed us carefully about the area. We had to follow him and swim close together.

When we got there, the water looked dark and I wondered whether we could see to the bottom of the sea. Once we were in the water, I immediately put my head in the water, and yeap… no worry, the sun rays penetrated all the way to the bottom. Phew! I could feel the current moved us faster and the water felt cooler to the body.

Island Hopping Flores Day 2 - Manta Point - looking for Manta Rays - Two Worlds Treasures
Looking for Manta Rays.

Luckily, we saw our first Manta Ray not long after we were in the water. Followed by another one, and another one, and more. They swam fast and we could see them clear from head to toe. Amazing! My sister said there were 8 Manta Rays we saw that day. Wow!

And before we went back to the boat for lunch, we stopped at…


Island Hopping Day 2 – Sandy Island

Or an Emerge Island? I don’t know what’s the right term for this place, all I know we really loved it. We could walk or run from one end to the other end in a minute. The water was crystal clear and I saw a guy at the other end walking farther into the sea and the water only went up to his knees.

Island Hopping Flores Day 2 - Giant Sandbox - Two Worlds Treasures

We played on the sand, took a deep in the water, let the small fish swimming around us, searching for coral with odd shape and threw them back into the water. I felt like playing in the giant sandbox. Yes! That’s the right term for this place: Giant Sandbox.

If only we could spend a night at this Giant Sandbox. But we had to leave for our next destination where we’re going to hike in an island and anchored for the night as well.


Island Hopping Day 2 – On the Top of Gili Lawa Island

After the boat anchored on a bay, we took a dinghy to Gili Lawa Island. The hill we’re going to climb looked steeper than the one from yesterday at Padar Island. The tour operator said it’s rocky all the way to the top.

Island Hopping Flores Day 2 - Gili Lawa Island - rocky trek - Two Worlds Treasures

Once we landed on the beach, the children took off right away with our tour operator to the top. We followed slowly because the view around the island was beautiful. And the higher we were, the more beautiful it was. We, the adults, kept stopping to take pictures with cameras and cell phones. I just love the place!

From the top, the view was just spectacular. Love, love it! The sea looked serene and it was so quiet. A seagull made a circle above us. I think she had a nest somewhere around the hill. I just wanted to sit and pamper myself with this amazing view, but the sun was about to set soon. Sadly, we had to leave.

Island Hopping Flores Day 2 - Gili Lawa Island - mom & son - Two Worlds Treasures

We climbed a bit more and found a savannah waiting for us on the other side of the hill. When I looked to the right side, there were more breathtaking views. Speechless!

Island Hopping Flores Day 2 - Gili Lawa Island - savannah - Two Worlds Treasures

The sun started to disappear on the horizon on our way back to the beach. Fortunately, the trek wasn’t steep like the way up. So, we could move faster.

By the time we arrived at the boat, I was exhausted but satisfied with all the activities we did and the things we experienced today. Thank you, God, for the opportunity you’ve given us!

How to get to Flores

If you fly from Jakarta, there’s a choice of nonstop or connecting flight daily to Labuan Bajo, the hub to Komodo Islands. That’s where we started. We flew with Garuda, nonstop from Jakarta to Labuan Bajo for about 2 hours and 30 minutes.

When you’re already in Bali or Lombok, there are more choices of airlines and times to go to Labuan Bajo.

For a budget traveler, you can take a combination of ferry and bus from Bali. It takes two days though.


So, what are you waiting for? Plan your itinerary and book the ticket now. Flores is awaiting you.

Island Hopping Flores Day 2 - for Pinterest - Two Worlds Treasures

On the second day of our island hopping in Flores, Indonesia we got to do snorkeling at Pink Beach and Manta Ray (Makasser Reef), stopped at a sandy island 'giant sandbox', and trekking to Gili Laba to enjoy the spectacular view from the top. Read along and save it for your future reference.

Don’t miss our story from Day 1 and Day 3. Click the related links below.

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  1. I’m an avid snorkeler so I would love to island hop in Indonesia. This is so great that you were able to share this with your family and have a once in a lifetime experience. Your snorkeling guide sounds like they were fantastic by exposing you to so many underwater wonders. This is a magical vacation and one I definitely would like to recreate.

    1. When you get a chance to come here, I’m sure you will love it. My family and I would love to make another visit.

  2. Wow! All of that blue water is stunning! I love how island hopping gives you the chance to see such a variety of highlights of a region during a short time. The photo of the squid is amazing. I would love to snorkel there!

  3. OMG, so it’s true that Komodo dragons attack people. I thought it was a joke, the first time I’ve heard such a story. I am not a great fan of sailing, but I think I would enjoy taking such an island hoping trip as you did. Hopefully the water was not very choppy. This Indonesian island looks really beautiful.

    1. The part of island hopping wasn’t choppy because it’s not direct to the open sea. I think this is one of the Indonesian islands that visitors must put in their bucket list.

  4. Oh my goodness, this is one of my top bucket list items – island hopping through Indonesia! It sounds like it was truly a magical experience! I’ve heard of the Pink Beach before. It looks really cool. So awesome that you were able to see a giant ray. It’s really a hot spot to snorkel!

  5. Good for you for getting off the beaten path in Indonesia, I’ve never seen a post about an experience like this. I’m so glad your beautiful trip was free from dragon related incidents, I haven’t heard about the tourist, but how gruesome! I have an odd affinity for sea life, so I’m jealous that you got to see so much of it on your snorkeling and that someone was able to get a shot of that squid – beautiful! The manta rays looks awesome, again, so jealous! Glad you had a wonderful time with the family!

    1. Thank you so much! We didn’t know what experiences we would get from this trip, so it was really a surprised for us, too!

  6. Wow what a gorgeous place to go island hopping. That’s so sad about the tourist getting bitten, but like you said, he should have listed to the local guides! Every beach on Flores looks so stunning, and remote too. I really wish we’d ventured further out of Bali and to other places in Indonesia, there’s really so many beautiful places to see.

  7. Wow! What an incredible adventure! It is nice to hear that you did this with kids, because I would love to do this as a family on day. Renting the sailboat sounds so neat. I haven’t heard of Flores specifically, but I have wanted to visit this part of the world, so this sounds like a beautiful place.

  8. Interesting story about the Komodo dragon and biting the leg of a tourist. What a stunning area to visit. The water so crystal clear. Pink Beach looked so beautiful too. The photos of the snorkel trip were excellent.

  9. I’ve never heard of Flores in Indonesia but it’s now on my radar! I was sold at Pink Beach. Also seeing a squid and other fish in their nature wildlife habitat while snorkeling is always so much fun! Awesome photos too!

  10. I’m glad that your experiences were better than those of that Singaporean tourist who was attacked by a Komodo dragon. Scary. And the Manta Rays are not dangerous? I love to see such underwater photos but diving or even snorkelling is something I can’t do, I get panic attacks when my head is under water. So I’d probably stay on Sandy Island with its clear and low water.

    1. I think it’s Stingrays that are dangerous. Besides, we were snorkeling not diving, so we saw them from above. I actually have a minor claustrophobia but I kept telling myself that I could do it and I’ve been flying that far and spending a lot. I think it helped.

  11. You capture the beauty of this area perfectly! The water looks simply amazing and relaxing. Also, love the panoramic views.

    1. I know. Bali is too crowded now. We went there a week before this trip. We were disappointed. Lots of islands to explore though. Papua, Sulawesi, Kalimantan, Maluku, and more. Right now I can only enjoy it through my friends’ pictures.

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