Hiking Trail at Robbers Cave State Park - Wilburton - Oklahoma

A Must-Do Hiking Trail at Robbers Cave State Park in Wilburton, Oklahoma

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Without a doubt, a must-do hiking trail at Robbers Cave State Park in Wilburton, Oklahoma is the Cave Trail. Though this 0.57-miles trail fell on moderate category, it is perfect for the whole family. You can hike, climb, jump, picnic, even slide (with your own risk) here. Hiking on this trail is like playing in the giant playground. Wait! What?

Keep going to find out more about it.




Once we got out of the car, we were welcome by two big rocks that made our son ran to them right away. He just couldn’t wait to climb the two rocks. “Let’s do the hike first. You’ll have plenty of time to do it at the end,” I said to him.

Hiking trail at Robbers Cave State Park - welcome rocks

After we walked pass the rocks, we immediately confronted with bigger and more rocks. Temptations! Especially when he saw 3 boys were climbing and jumping between the rocks already.

Hiking trail at Robbers Cave State Park - rocky area

But we kept going. We turned to the left and started the hike, following the orange and red signs just like the ranger told us. The temperature was on the upper 40s, but the sun was shining brightly, making it a nice day to be outside. And, not too many people around. Apparently, Oklahoma Spring Break time was different with Texas. So, there were only fellow Texan in the park that day.

From the starting point, the trail was going up. It’s rocky but short-leaf pinewood trees canopied the trail, so it felt fine.

Robbers Cave State Park - Cave Trail - beginning

Robbers Cave State Park - Cave Trail - orange mark

Then we saw a sign pointed to the cave. “This is it, Robbers Cave,” I told myself. What I had in mind Robbers Cave was big and deep because legend said that’s the hiding place of the outlaws like Jesse James and Belle Starr. Imagine a scene in a western movie.

Rovvers Cave State Park - cave sign

But Robbers Cave was far from there. It’s just a few yards deep and not that big. The cave was also full of graffiti from people who signed their names and times when they visited here. Our son asked if he could leave his name, too and of course the answer was no!      

Robbers Cave State Park - cave entrance

Then we let our son exploring the rocks around the cave. Well, don’t tell him. I wanted to climb the rock near the cave that I set my eyes on before we entered the cave, too. It’s hard to resist!

Robbers Cave State Park - climbing- we did it

After jumping and climbing a bit, we continued with the hike and reached the open area of the Sans Bois Mountains. The view from here was amazing. I couldn’t believe we were in Oklahoma. We took a break and had our picnic lunch here.

Robbers Cave State Park - a view from Sans Bois Mountains

From here the trail went all the way down to where we started. But, before we got to the parking, we saw these signs. Guess which way we took.

Robbers Cave State Park - exit



Yes, we took the Stone Corral! Who wouldn’t be? This area of the cave was awesome! Rocks and gaps were everywhere. Our son lost himself immediately, and before long mommy and daddy also enjoyed their exploring time here.

Robbers Cave - Stone corral

Robbers Cave - stone corral - IG spot

I found this area called Devil’s Slide where visitors can slide with their own risks. Our son did it, but I missed seeing him sliding down the rock because I was on the other side, tracking the original trail built by the CCC. This trail took me back to the cave.

Robbers Cave State Park - Devil's Slide

Before we left, our son made his last climbing. It’s the two rocks that welcomed us at the entrance.

Robbers Cave State Park - entrance to Cave Trail area

All in all, we had a great time here. We knew nothing about hiking trail at Robbers Cave State Park to begin with, but our 2.5-hours there was wonderful. Do we want to go back in the future? Definitely! Do I recommend this place for you to visit? Of course!



          Approximate length is 0.57 miles.

          Average hours needed to complete from the beginning to the end is 1 hour.

          Difficulty: moderate category, though I think it’s recommended for the whole family. We saw toddlers, little children, teenagers, adults, and grandparents in their 70s. We even saw a baby (of course she’s in her mommy’s carrier) and little dogs.

          Rocky terrain but you can always wear your tennis shoes.

          Most of the trail canopied by short-leaf pinewood tree.

          Be extra careful around the cliff and when you explore the rocks.


Address: Hwy 2 N, Wilburton, OK 74578 (5 miles N of Wilburton on Hwy 2)

Entrance fee: FREE

Visited: March 13, 2018 – Spring Break

Oklahoma | Robbers Cave State Park | Cave Trail | A hike around the cave turned out really great. Though it's on moderate category, I think the trail suits the whole family. We spent 2,5 hours there; #hiking #climbing #jumping and #exploring the rocks formation. A fun place for everyone in the family.

Here's a place for the whole family even though the trail is on a moderate category. A fun place to be outside. Children and children alike will have ton of fun climbing, exploring, crawling, and jumping from rock to rock.

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  1. When we plan a trip to Oklahoma we will definitely think about hiking in Robbers State Park. I can see why the sight of rock would be a big temptation to play. That cave would certainly draw me in. I would not go down the Devil’s Slide but hubby might. Only for the video of course!

  2. The hike overall seems fun and not so taxing. So it definitely is a great choice for a adventurous day out for the family. It’s so good to your son enjoying the trail as much as you. Wish you many such happy memories with your son!

  3. This seems like the place I would love to hangout in. You son has many beautiful memories to cherish when he grows up. And looks like he had a whale of a time. Great pictures as always 🙂

  4. Bookmarking your post. I knew that Aurangabad had some beautiful places to visit. But I didn’t know we could visit so many other places nearby as well over a 4 days itinerary. The forts don’t seem to have any crowd. And Robbers Cave looks really interesting to explore. I can see it’s not difficult to explore it as well, as the kid also did it. Definitely going to take this itinerary.

  5. That looks like a beautiful trail! I’ve never been to Oklahoma, and I have to admit I had no idea what to expect of the landscapes. Looks lovely!

    1. I would say we don’t really hear Oklahoma in the radar (except for tornadoes), especially if you live far from there. I live just next door, but I was surprised to find the landscapes here.

  6. Those rocks look like so much fun and are just calling my name to climb on them! I love the varied terrain here. I haven’t made it to Oklahoma yet, but if I do I’m definitely checking out this park and trail!

  7. Looks like you had an awesome day. I love outdoor activities and this looks like a place I’d like to visit and hike. Thanks for sharing.

  8. I always love reading post about new places 😉 Your photos have perfectly captured the beauty of this area ! I’m a truly nature lover and your photos of beautiful rocks and pinewood trees are stunning. When we get closer to nature—be it untouched wilderness or a backyard tree—we do our overstressed brains a favor. I love this feeling 🙂

    1. That’s the right point there: we do our overstressed brains a favor. I find myself looking for it every weekend.

  9. I’ve never been hiking before, but this place seems like the ideal for a first timer like myself. The views are amazing. Thanks for sharing your experience.

  10. I love hiking as it goes through natural places in the forest and over the mountains. This hiking trail along the robbers Cave State Park in Oklahoma looks wonderful and full of adventure. I would definitely try it.

  11. What a cool hike! I love how your son is starting to hike at such a young age. My first hike was in my late teens! Thanks for putting this on my radar. It was my first time hearing about it.

    1. I think we tend to cover the big ones but seems to forget the small ones around us, that we can reach in 2-3 hours with minimum expenses.

  12. I live in Oklahoma and love Robber’s Cave. There are some good horse trails down that way, too. Next time try hiking in the Witchita Mountains – I’m heading there next weekend!

    1. Yeah, we saw the sign for horse trail and in fact, we saw two girls with their horses there. We went to Wichita Mountains last weekend for camping and hiking. It was our second visit and we still like the place. We even took our dog. Any other recommendations of places like those two to visit around Oklahoma?

  13. The Robbers Cave State Park hiking trail looks really made for a nice family experience. The fact that it is moderate in severity and also can be done in an hour, makes for a great hiking trail with kids. I love the name itself which sounds so intriguing and exciting. Caves always generate a lot of excitement especially with kids and hence this is something special.

    1. You are very right. And I’m glad that 2 of my friends will take their kids there after I told them about this place.

  14. Hiking has always been a fantastic activity for me. I love reading stories about this. I feel like I am also hiking myself. Thanks for the wonderful photos that you shared on your travel experience. This is definitely must be included in the bucket list.

  15. I love these type of hikes. I’m not an avid hiker so moderate hikes under a mile are the best. It looks like fun jumping around on the rocks and the views are gorgeous. Best part is that it’s free!

    1. We like hiking but we’re not an avid hiker, too. Maybe one day, who knows. Yeah, I like it that state parks in Oklahoma are free.

  16. There is something about big rocks that makes you want to climb on them!! it’s like a magnetic force or something 🙂 It sounds like you had a great day, but I’m glad you didn’t let your son write his name on the rocks, I hate it when people leave markings that will stay there forever and ruin the natural beauty for everyone else.

    1. I agree with you with the magnetic force of the big rocks. It’s hard to resist. Yeah, we’re always upset when we saw marking on rocks, wherever we go, from previous visitors.

  17. What a fun state park! We live next-door to Oklahoma, so we’re always trying to find something to do when we pass through. This hike sounds absolutely awesome! I love the historical aspect as well!

    1. That’s what we’re trying to do. We live in North Texas and it doesn’t take a lot of drive if we just want to go for a weekend. This past weekend we went to Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge in Cache, near Lawton. Another fun place to be outdoor.

  18. Robbers Cave State Park is such a descriptive name. I can just imagine a time when smugglers and bandits might have hidden out in the caves! It looks like a fun place to explore with the family.

  19. Looks like a gorgeous hike with lots of different terrain! And not too long for young kids either. Beautiful pictures and some great tips.

  20. This looks like such a fun day out to have with your son! He seems like a right little thrill seeker wanting to jump about all those rocks – I think I would have been too scared at his age!

    1. You were, right! It was really a beautiful day to be outside and my son had a blast while we were there.

  21. What a beautiful day for a hike!!! That sky looked perfect. I am amazed that this is in Oklahoma. I had no idea of it’s beauty.

    1. I think we have found another gem of Oklahoma. A couple of my friends and their family plan to make a visit here, because they had no idea it only takes 3.5 hours drive from where we live in North Texas.

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