Hiking at Gili Laba Island - Two Worlds Treasures

Breathtaking Hiking at Gili Laba Island in Komodo National Park

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Lately I am thinking about our hiking at Gili Laba Island in Komodo National Park. Part of it because I saw pictures of my friends spending holiday there, but most of it because of the fire that recently happened that caused around 24 acres of the savannah in the island disappeared.

Yes, irresponsible people left the campfire on the beach without paying attention whether the fire was out or not. Another source of news said it’s because irresponsible person threw his cigarette butt to the ground. I haven’t found the latest news about it until I wrote this post, so I didn’t know for sure what causes the fire and what the local government did to that irresponsible person. All I can say, that person and others who got involved in the accident are lucky I’m not the one in charge of this matter! 


Breathtaking Hiking at Gili Laba Island in Komodo National Park 

Gili Laba Island also known as Gili Lawa, situated in Komodo National Park in Flores, Indonesia. When I looked at the map, it’s on the northeast of Komodo Island to be exact. We stopped there on the second day of our liveaboard around the islands, a few hours before sunset.  

Most people come to the island to see sunrise, though I heard sunset is also breathtaking.  

After the boat anchored at the bay, we went to the island by a dinghy. We were still mesmerized by this island hopping in Flores since we left Labuan Bajo the day before. Anchored somewhere, transported by a dinghy to the island, then spent a night in the boat. A new experience for all of us in the group.

Just to remind you, my family went there with my sister and her family, and my brother-in-law’s friend and his family. There were 6 adults, 2 teenagers, and 3 children ages 10-14 in the trip with all of our differences. One moved fast, one was one step at a time. Some afraid of height, some like the challenges. Some always on time, some always late. I think being in the group of 11 was the challenging itself, because normally it’s just the 3 of us. Haha.. 

Once arrived at the island, we made a short but steep trek to the viewpoint. A normal time to get there is around 15 minutes with a couple of breaks, but that’s not what happened with our group. My son and her cousin moved fast, accompanied by the tour guide. The 2 teenagers followed behind them. The rest of us left behind with the local guide because: 1. some were afraid of heights, and 2. some had to stop every second for taking pictures.  

Hiking at Gili Laba Island - starting point - Two Worlds Treasures

I fell in the latest group.  The view was just breathtaking, I couldn’t help myself for not turning around to take pictures. Fortunately, there’s no other group on the view-point or behind us, so we could take our time. 

Arrived at the viewpoint, we were even more amazed with the nature surrounding the island. We could see wider and further and every corner made us “ooh… aah…” Even though this island is not as famous as Padar Island, I think you shouldn’t skip visiting Gili Laba while touring the Komodo National Parks. In my opinion, you can skip Kanawa Island if it’s in your itinerary. That place is too touristy. 


After I don’t know how long we took a break and made pictures at the view-point, we continued the hike. We climbed to a slightly higher elevation and behind it awaited us the savannah. It’s so beautiful. When we turned our head to the right, we saw a bay and not long after that a boat came and anchored for the night. A pretty sight. 

From the savannah the trek down was much easier. In fact, I would say it’s not hard at all. If you’re afraid of height, you can opt to go up and down this way. It’s just a bit longer. 


On our way back to the boat, the sun had gone from the horizon. A memorable trip had marked a place in our heart. Another Indonesian treasure checked out from our list, but we would like to come back. 


How to get to Gili Laba island 

The only way is by boat, either you take a day trip or liveaboard from Labuan Bajo. If you want to see sunrise or sunset from the viewpoint, then you have to take the liveaboard option. I highly recommend you to do liveaboard as you will see more of the islands along the way.

You can always book a boat trip from Labuan Bajo, do online search, or you can contact our tour operator at this number: Wil Jo, 62-811-126-2222. Or go to his IG account to see more pictures of Komodo National Parks and other beautiful places around Indonesia to get you inspired, then leave him a message.


Personal preparation for hiking to Gili Laba Island viewpoint 

Here are suggestions of what to bring from my experience hiking at Gili Laba island: 

  1. A small towel in case you can’t jump all the way to the sand from the dinghy. 
  2. A small powder is good to have to help dry your feet faster before you put on your socks. 
  3. Skip #1 and #2 all together if you don’t mind walking with wet shoes. 
  4. Tennis shoes is enough but don’t bulge your eyes when seeing your local guide wearing flip-flops. 
  5. Smartphone, DSLR camera, GoPro, and/or Drone. 
  6. Water and snacks. 
  7. Hat and sunglasses. 
  8. Sunblock. 
  9. Binocular. 
  10. Flashlight if you go for a sunrise or a sunset. 
  11. First AID kit. You’ll never know when you need it. 
  12. Hiking pole (optional). 


I highly recommend you to visit Gili Laba when in Labuan Bajo, Flores, Indonesia. There are so much beautiful places awaiting you there. Guarantee! Of course, there are other fantastic things to do in Flores that you should check. Things that will make your holiday here memorable.

Planning a trip to Komodo Islands and hiking at Gili Laba Island? I get you covered with our experience hiking at the island last summer. One of the breathtaking hike that you shouldn't miss. As always, save and pin the image for your future reference. #gililabaisland #floresindonesia #labuanbajo

Just a short trek to the view point, but the view all the way to the top are absolutely amazing! Don't miss hiking at Gili Laba Island when you plan a trip to the Komodo Islands in Flores, Indonesia. Click and read this image for more information. Then pin it for later. #gililaba #gililawaisland #floresindonesia #labuanbajo

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  1. I would love to do a live aboard in Indonesia. We would probably pick one that is focused on scuba diving. But I love that a liveaboard can take you for hiking at Gili Laba Island in Komodo National Park. The views from the heights are certainly stunning. I certainly would not be hiking in flip flops!

    1. It’s a great vacation place! I really want to go back. Especially before the Indonesian government put price for tourists who wants to visit the island of Komodo.

  2. Im so sad I didnt make it to this part of Indonesia. I feel like I got such a skewed vision of the country by just staying in Bali. I’m bookmarking this for the next time I head that way!

    1. Yes! You should stop here next time you go to Indonesia. Maybe you can skip Bali unless there are still places you want to see there.

  3. Beautiful! This is an excellent guide for families and couples alike. If we do the same one, we will absolutely make sure to hire a guide as well.

    Thank you for putting this together!

  4. Your photos are amazing! Don’t know a lot about Komodo National Park so I really appreciate all the information.

  5. What awesome views! Your post packing list is especially helpful for other people who are going to try this hike. Thanks for the information!

  6. This looks like an absolutely gorgeous place to hike! I’m kicking myself because I never made it Indonesia on my last trip to Asia. Ah well, this will be at the top of my list for next time.

    1. You are welcome! And yes, Indonesia is beautiful and still there are so many places that haven’t been developed yet.

    1. You are very right! Sometimes just by reading posts, I feel like exploring that part of the world already. Just waiting for the real walk there.

  7. Aah I’ve never done a hiking trip but would really love to! This looks incredible. The landscape is stunning – like something straight out of a movie

  8. I could not love this more!!!! Hiking? Yes. Komodo National Park??? YES!! This place has literally been at the top of my list for so long. This is a great post, and I will certainly be here one day soon. Thanks for the tips and the story, it sounds like a wonderful time!

  9. Ohh we love holidaying in Indonesia. We have been there twice already. During our last visit we couldn’t go to Gili islands. Hopefully we get to visit the islands soon. By the way, the place looks stunning.

  10. Such a beautiful location! I can’t imagine travelling with such a large group but it seems that this was the perfect location for a wonderful family experience.

  11. Each Island of Indonesia has something so gorgeous. This one reminded me of the Padar Island…minus the tri-colored beaches. So peaceful and serene. I can quite relate to your feelings on this one.

    1. Yes! We did Padar the day before. I wish to visit on a different season but for now, with my son is still in school, I have to wait for it.

  12. Great article and pictures. I’m at the end of tours also taking pictures and video lol. I hate being rushed so I just stay at the back of the pack.

  13. Such a shame to hear about the fire in the park. I can’t believe that happened all because of one irresponsible person. I Gili Laba wasn’t on my list but I may be travelling to Bali in Indonesia next year.

  14. Gili Laba Island looks like a nice stop in Indonesia. There are so many places that can only be seen by boat that a sleep on board boat sounds like a great idea. Your group shows that this is a great option for groups with all kinds of ages and abilities.

    1. Yes, we hired a tour operator who is my brother-in-law’s friend. He left 8-5 job and started his own private tour. He arranged everything, including a local tour/snorkeling guide in the package.

  15. Amazing views of the island and the sea. The shades of brown, blue, green, and sometimes purple seem to gel so well together. I am not much of a hiker. But would love to go there just for the view.

  16. Wow! Incredibly beautiful hike! Komodo island is definitely on my bucket list and I have read a lot about it, but this is the first time I read about Gili Laba. This will be added on my book marks for sure. Thanks for sharing!

  17. What an incredibly stunning island!! I’m so sad we didn’t make it here when we visited 2 years ago. The landscape almost reminds me of what you find in Scotland or Ireland! Great tips for visiting, a first aid kit always comes in handy.

    1. Aww… too bad you didn’t make it here. But it’s a reason for you to come back. 🙂 I’ve never been to Scotland or Ireland, but I was amazed the whole time we were there. I just couldn’t believe it’s in Indonesia.

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