Garden of the Gods in winter. (Two Worlds Treasures)

Visiting Garden Of The Gods In Winter: With Or Without A Dog

Do you plan to visit the Garden of the Gods during the winter? Whether with or without your dog? And you’re still unsure what to expect when you visit the park in the winter?

Don’t be worried! You’ve come to the right place because this article is based on our family’s (including our dog Snoopy’s) winter visit to the Garden of the Gods.

When we went to the Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs, it didn’t technically winter. We went to the garden on Friday after Thanksgiving as part of our epic road trip to Colorado in November. However, the Garden of the Gods winter hours began on November 1. So we went to the Garden of the Gods in the winter.

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Garden of the Gods Hours:

5.00 am – 9.00 pm (Nov 1 – April 30)

5.00 am to 10.00 pm (May1 – Oct 31)

Garden of the Gods Visitor & Nature Center Hours:

9.00 am – 5.00 pm (winter months)

8.00 am – 5.00 pm (summer, Memorial Day Weekend – Labor Day Weekend) 

Both the park and Visitor & Nature Center are FREE and open to the public all year.

Average winter temperature in Garden of the Gods

November: 52℉ (H)/25℉ (L) 

December: 46℉  (H)/19℉ (L)

January: 45℉ (H)/18℉ (L) 

February: 46℉ (H)/19℉ (L)

March: 51℉ (H)/25℉ (L)

April: 58℉ (H)/31℉ (L)

How far is Garden of the Gods from Denver?

Garden of the Gods is about 70 miles south of Denver in Colorado Springs. If there is no traffic, the drive will take about 1 hour and 15 minutes.

Take Exit #146 off I-25 (Garden of the Gods Road). For 2.5 miles, head west towards the mountains. Then take the first left onto 30th Street. On the left will be the Visitor & Nature Center (a little over a mile.)

On the left side of Garden of the Gods Road, you may notice a sign for the Space Foundation Discovery Center. It is a museum of space, science, and technology. It’s not very large, but it’s pretty cool. If you have the time, go there, especially if you are interested in space science.

Garden of the Gods map

Garden of the Gods in Winter

Who hasn’t heard of the fabled Garden of the Gods? It is one of the top attractions in Colorado Springs. We went there a few times during the summer but not during the other seasons.

When I planned a trip to the Garden of the Gods in November, I chose the day after Thanksgiving for a reason. People would go Black Friday shopping, and we’d have the park to ourselves.

During this Thanksgiving Break trip to Colorado, a strong storm system dumped heavy snow from Monday afternoon to Tuesday. At my friend’s house in Lone Tree, which is located between Denver and Colorado Springs, we awoke to more than 2 feet of snow. I wasn’t sure if we could leave the house until we returned to Texas on Saturday.

CDOT (Colorado Department of Transportation) worked quickly, so we could drive to the nearest restaurant by Tuesday afternoon. Later, we watched on television as they cleared snow from roads across the state. It meant that our trip to the Garden of the Gods would go smoothly.

On Friday, when we arrived at Garden of the Gods, I was surprised to see so many cars on the park road. However, there are no cyclists on the bike lane.

We drove straight to the Main Parking Lot (Central Garden Trail) area because we had previously visited the Visitor Center.

Another surprise awaited us: the parking lot was completely full! Fortunately, we saw someone leave after only driving one round in the parking lot.

In the summer, you may have to circle the main park road a few times to find a parking spot at the Main Parking Lot. Alternatively, park at the High Point Overlook and walk to the Central Garden Trail area.

However, if you are a morning person, this will not be an issue. Remember! During the winter, the Park opens at 5 a.m.  

It was cold outside, with temperatures in the lower 40s. Snow covered the ground, but it appeared that Colorado Springs did not receive as much snow as the northern area.

I noticed visitors leaving as we walked to the Central Garden Trail area. I believe it was because it was too cold to spend much time outside. As a result, finding a parking spot is not difficult.

The Park had cleared the path of snow. Even though there was ice here and there, it made the walk easier. Be cautious if you come across the same situation.  

I notice a few people wearing slip-on traction cleats. I wish I had one, but we live in Texas and don’t get much snow. As a result, it’s not worth it for us. We just need to be cautious.

The majority of visitors that day were families. I told my husband that people in Colorado Springs don’t seem to care about Black Friday. They could have been out-of-state visitors like us.

Snoopy wasn’t the only dog out that day. He was wearing a hoodie but not boots. We tried to put boots on him, but he refused and kept taking them off.

This Texas dog wasn’t having a good time on the trip. It was not just the cold, but the snow at my friend’s house was up to his waist. He didn’t feel at ease doing his business in the snow.

A restroom is located near the parking lot. Above the restroom is a platform from which you can see some of the garden’s rock formations.

Snoopy at Central Garden Trail in Garden of the Gods, Colorado Springs. (Two Worlds Treasures)

Central Garden Trail

Without a doubt, the Central Garden Trail area is the most popular in the park. You only need to come to a halt here. If you only have time for one trail, this is it.

The Central Garden Trail area is an excellent introduction to the garden’s flora, fauna, and geology. It is a simple trail with plenty of interpretive signage. It is an excellent choice for families with young children.  

Because the trail is paved, it is also accessible to people with disabilities. It is also easily accessible throughout the year.

The snow dust on the rocks enhanced the beauty of the red rock formations. Yes! The red rock formations on the ground are what have made this Park famous.

Like in the summer, the area around Cathedral Spires and Three Graces was transformed into a massive playground. We discovered ice on the path between the rocks. Be cautious if you visit the Garden of the Gods during the winter.

I noticed that the trails from the Sleeping Giant and Gray Rock areas had not been cleaned. The trails were covered in snow that appeared to have turned to ice. We didn’t walk there, and I didn’t notice any visitors going or coming in that direction.

Visitors could normally go rock climbing here. They had closed off all access to the rock climbing area during our visit. I believe it was unsafe.

If you bring your dog, there will be doggie cleanup bags in the designated pet area. However, as always, don’t leave the house without the baggy. You never know when the park is out of it.

Central Garden Trail in Garden of the Gods in winter. (Two Worlds Treasures)

Where else to go while in the Garden of the Gods?

Balanced Rock and Siamese Twins are two more must-see garden rock formations.

Balanced Rock is the park’s most well-known landmark. Countless visitors have had their photos taken in front of this landmark. A rock “window” provides a spectacular view of Pikes Peak at the Siamese Twins formations. It is frequently photographed, and you have most likely seen images from here on social media.

We didn’t get to stop at any of these rock formations during our visit. The parking lot was full, so we decided not to drive around the park again until we found an empty spot. A couple of hours walking around Central Garden Trail was plenty. Besides, we’re in desperate need of a cup of hot chocolate.

If you go and can’t find a parking spot, you can still photograph the Balanced Rock as you drive through it. However, you cannot photograph the Siamese Twins from the road.

If this is your first visit to Garden of the Gods, I recommend driving around the park several times until you find a parking spot at this location.

Visit the Garden of the Gods’ Visitor & Nature Center as well. It is more than just a visitor center. After the addition of two new exhibit halls in 2015, incorporating the most cutting-edge museum technology found anywhere in the world, they are proud to call themselves a world-class museum.

New hands-on interactive exhibits bring the Park’s complex geology, ecology, and cultural history to life.

The Garden of the Gods Rocks, Brand New Dinosaur Species – Theiophytalia Kerri, Flora and Fauna Cloud, Ecology Matrix, The Red Rock People, and The Early Explorers are among the exhibits.

Balanced Rock at Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs. (Two Worlds Treasures)
Balanced Rock

Winter in Garden of the Gods

Visiting the Garden of the Gods in the winter appears to be one of the most popular things to do in Colorado Springs. The park is not as crowded as it is in the summer, but you may have to drive around it to find a parking spot.

Make sure you dress appropriately because there will be a lot of walking. I’m not sure about you, but dry air makes my skin itch in the winter. Normally, I had a rash that lasted the entire winter. My problem was solved after my doctor suggested I use this magic cream. It’s not magic, after all. It just so happens that the ingredients are beneficial to my skin. If you still have dry skin in the winter, go check it out. Perhaps it will work for you as well.

If you bring your dog, don’t forget to bring their baggies, treats, and water. It is preferable to put on a hoodie or jacket and boots to keep them warm. They must also be kept on a leash at all times. 

Most importantly, before your visit, check the weather and the Garden of the Gods website to ensure you have a great time!

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  1. Love that you included so many helpful tips for visiting in this post. The Garden of the Gods looks pretty special with that winter snow.

  2. I had never heard of this garden until I read your blog. I am happy I’ve discovered a new place. I am adding this one to my US list 🙂 Thank you for sharing.

  3. I’ve been to Garden of the Gods several times in the summer, but I would love to see it in the winter. The snow on the red rocks is such a beautiful contrast. And it’s probably much less crowded!

  4. I bet red rocks at Garden of the Gods is gorgeous against the snow in the winter. Great tip to wear cleats, I wouldn’t have thought of it. Snoopy looks quite handsome in his sweater!

  5. The name ‘Garden of the Gods’ itself sounds interesting. Good to know it is a nice place to visit even in winters. Visiting here when 2ft of snow fell the prev. night? Whoa! That’s some thrilling snow day! I’m also surprised to read there were lot of visitors on cars inspite of the weather. I can imagine how the rock climbing can be unsafe in snow.

  6. Garden of the Gods looks great to visit in winter. Anything that cuts down on more people being there is welcome. Sounds like you had a great time. Some good tips for visiting. P.S. Your dog is adorable.

  7. I have not been to the GOG but would love to visit some day. I typically like to visit parks during Spring or Fall to avoid the snow, but the snow looks gorgeous. It’s nice that they cleared the roads fairly fast and having those slip-on traction cleats would definitely come in handy! Snoopy is adorable.

  8. Happy to know that this place is dog-friendly. I am not just sure if my little furball would be happy to visit when its cold but at least the option to bring him along is available. It’s nice that there are doggie cleanup bags available.

    1. I think one of the good things about having a small dog is you can always carry it around and make sure it is comfortable in your hand.

  9. From the photos alone, the views are incredible and it feels like you’re in another world when surrounded by its stunning rock formations. Whether you’re into hiking or just want to take some pictures, I think this park offers both. I would love for my dogs to experience this!

  10. Gosh it sounds freezing at Garden of the Gods in winter. I like your thinking with getting in early for a carpark, but it would definitely be colder earlier on. I really love the contrast of the snow and the brown during winter, so I’d pick that as a good time to visit. Balanced Rock is gorgeous, I can see why it’s a popular photo opportunity. Poor Snoopy, his paws must have been freezing! But, you most definitely cannot make a dog wear booties if he doesn’t want to haha.

    1. Yeah. Getting early will guarantee you a parking spot, but it will be cold, too. Balanced Rock is gorgeous, but the past two visits we couldn’t find a parking spot. That’s why you need to come early. And you are right about dogs. If they don’t want to wear booties, then they’re not going to wear it. Haha..

  11. Snoopy is gorgeous- love that facial expression. My dog has never experienced snow, I would love to see how she coped. But what incredible scenery in that park. Are dogs allowed off leash?

  12. Never been to Colorado yet, but Garden of Gods looks very impressive! I love that image of the balanced rock….Wow! With the snow contrasting with the brown of the rock, it is beautiful. I will definitely look up this place when I am in the area next. 🙂

  13. Best laid plans! Sounded like a great idea to go while everyone else was shopping but the snow would be unexpected. Poor snoopy with no boots! But at least he had a warm coat on. I’m sure the fresh blanket of snow made the scenic views all that more pretty.

  14. I liked Gardens of the Gods. I was there in May, but I think the place is perfect for a day trip at any time of the year. It offers excellent trails and rock formations, and for sure, it’s a family-friendly and pets friendly place.

  15. Personally I know both of my dogs are not huge fans of the cold so if I ever visited it would definitely need to be when it is a bit warmer. I love taking my dogs out on hikes or long walks so this would be the perfect trip for as. An added bonus is all the great scenery as well.

  16. I always thought of Colorado being some forlorn place – interesting only if you are into skiing. But lately I’ve seen a couple of posts on Colorado and now – after having read your post on the Garden of the Gods, I have the feeling having skipped a really great state when I travelled the US. Colorado is definitely on my list of places to visit in the US now.

    1. Oh no! You’ve got a wrong impression. Colorado is a beautiful destination even for summer or fall. It’s one of my favorite states to visit at any time. I hope you can visit the state in the summer.

  17. I have never thought about visiting the American National Parks in winter! But your pictures look wonderful. Good to know that there are hiking possibilites at the Garden of the Gods in winter too. And I love the picture of Snoopy in his red hoody!

    1. Garden of the Gods is a city park, but yes, some of the American National Parks are a unique destinations in the winter.

  18. I am always fascinated to see how parks and mountains scenes change as winter sets in. And good to know that “winter” hours start early. I would not have expected the parking lots to be closed in what I would think of as off season. How fun to see a dog experiencing snow when not used to it. As a Canadian, I guess I am just used to snow.

    1. No, the parking lots are always open, but sometimes you might not even get a space to park, especially during holidays and weekends.

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