Chasing a Dramatic Fall Scene in Texas - Two Worlds Treasures
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Chasing a Dramatic Fall Scene in Texas – Pedernales Falls State Park

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You might think I’m crazy, but dramatic fall scene in Texas is rare. It’s hard to predict when the leaves would change color. Most of the times the wind would blow them all down even before they got to change color completely. So, when Backpacker magazine November edition arrived in the mail box and one of the month’s top trips and picks was a hike in Pedernales Falls State Park with a dramatic view of fall season, I immediately told my husband that we must go there. Besides, it is said the cypresses along the riverbanks don’t typically turn until mid- to late November. That’s during Thanksgiving Break. Moreover, it’s a pet friendly park. Perfect!

Chasing a Dramatic Fall Scene in Texas

When we got to Pedernales Falls State Park on the first day of Thanksgiving Break, I realized I forgot to bring the magazine. And, my cell provider didn’t work well so I couldn’t google the image. All I remember it was along the riverbanks and 2 miles round trip with following the trail and making your own path here and there. Hah!

So, we drove all the way to the end, to Pedernales Falls Trailhead. This is the part where you can see the intriguing potholes. Our son wanted to go there but my husband told him that mommy wanted to see this dramatic fall scene in Texas that she didn’t even know where it located. Haha…

I have to tell you that this was also our 6-month-old puppy first hiking trip. Snoopy was excited to be out in nature. He walked at the front with his boy and turned his head to us every now and then. I didn’t know whether he wanted to make sure we were safe, or he needed an assurance that mommy and daddy were still there. He-he.

After hiking for about half an hour, we still haven’t seen any sign of the dramatic fall scene in Texas like the one from the magazine. The river still looked wide and open, no groups of cypress trees along the riverbank. Then we decided to turn around.

Pedernales Falls SP - Chasing a Dramatic Fall Scene in Texas - Two Worlds Treasures

Dramatic Fall Scene in Texas: Where Are You?

Then we drove back toward the headquarter and made a turn at every curve in our mission to find the dramatic fall scene in Texas. We turned to Youth Camping Area, but we didn’t even see the river or any trails that led to the riverbank. Next was the swimming area but it was closed and no sign of trails, too. Finally, we turned to a campsite where there was a Twin Falls Nature Trail. I thought, if it’s not there, at least we got to see the Twin Falls. The problem was, there’s a sign of no parking though there’s a site for 4 to 5 cars to park. Now what? Knowing me, my husband decided to stay in the car with the puppy, in case the ranger came around.

The Twin Falls Nature Trail wasn’t long. It’s only .47 mi and marked with moderate difficulty though we found it easy and enjoyable. Not too far from the starting point, there was a nature bridge across the trail. I asked my son to stand on the highest point and snapped his pictures. When it’s my turn, I felt unease. It’s only around 10 feet from my point of view, but I didn’t know what happened to me that day, I didn’t feel confidence to stand at the highest point. So, I just stood at the side and stretched my right leg to the middle. “Are you a scaredy-cat, mommy?” asked my son. Haha!

We saw lots of interesting nature arts here, like wooden arches, armadillo, and green ladybug. The Twin Falls itself wasn’t interesting though in the park’s trails map it’s said as one of the most beautiful spot in Hill Country. Probably because the water volume was low. I think it looks wonderful during springtime.

On the way back to the car, I told my son that we needed to turn to the offshoot trail. I saw the riverbank with group of cypress trees that from above might had the dramatic fall scene in Texas like the one in the Backpacker magazine.

And aren’t we lucky?

Though the wind already blew most of the leaves by the time we got there, I still called myself lucky to see these views. I guess Thanksgiving Break was the end of the fall scene at the Pedernales Falls State Park. You better come in mid-November to see the dramatic ones.

Chasing a Dramatic Fall Scene in Texas - Two Worlds Treasures

When we arrived home, I checked the magazine again. It turned out the location of the image was along Pedernales Falls Trailhead, the first trail we took. If we just hiked further. But that’s okay. I think I got what I wanted to see.

Location: Pedernales Falls State Park, Texas. Take Twin Falls Nature Trail and turn to offshoot trail. Or, starts from Trammell’s Crossing Trail and then you will see the cypresses right before you cross the river.

Address: 2585 Park Rd 6026, Johnson City, TX 78636 (central Texas/Texas Hill Country).

Follow our family adventure, chasing a fall scene in Texas based on Backpacking Magazine. | Pedernales Falls State Park | mid- to late November | hiking | family hiking

Not too many places in Texas has a beautiful fall scene. When in the Texas Hill Country, go to Pedernales Falls State Park. Recommended by Backpacker Magazine as a dramatic place for seeing fall scene, from mid-to the last week in November. #pedernalesfallsstatepark #texashillcountry #usatravel

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  1. Hi, Umiko! This is an amazing post! I had so much fun reading it. It`s not such a shame you didn`t find exactly what you`ve been searching for, you still got to enjoy a great day of hiking, right? I was wondering, what is your favorite time of year for hiking?

    1. Nigel, I’m glad you enjoyed reading my post. Living in Texas, the best time of year for hiking to me is Spring, Fall, and even Winter. Summer is just too hot for me. I can’t stand the Texas heat. If I have to do it, I will do it early in the morning before the temperature rises to upper 80s.

  2. Even if you only got a bit of autumn, you saw some cool stuff. Autumn was like that here in Kyiv this year – the leaves started to change colour, then it started raining and all the leaves got washed off the trees!

  3. That view was totally worth it! Great pictures! It looks like the entire family (puppy included) had a great time. I love following all of your adventures! Your family goes to some of the neatest places.

    1. Thank you, April! We like exploring Texas and let people know about it, especially to my fellow North Texan. They don’t really know about it. Texas is more than San Antonio or Austin.

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